Friday, August 24, 2012

Welcome to City Mouse Now Country Mouse!

I have been a city girl all my life and now I find myself living in rural West Virginia. It's a time for me to learn about the simpler life, focus on what's really important, and prepare for the next adventure. I thought you might enjoy reading about some of my adventure and some of the lessons I learn.

So, how did I choose the name for my blog? My Daddy used to call me "Miss Mouse" sometimes and  I have always loved the Aesop's fable of the City Mouse and the Country Mouse. In the story, the two mice are cousins. The Country Mouse invites the City Mouse for a visit in the country--to enjoy the bucolic, simple life. The City Mouse finds his visit dull and promptly invites his cousin to go back to the city with him where he promises that they will dine like kings and enjoy the high life. The Country Mouse agreed and traveled back to town with his cousin. As promised, the cousins were enjoying an extravagant feast when their dinner was interrupted by the homeowners hungry  dogs; the cousins had to run for their lives and narrowly escaped the canine intruders. The Country Cousin thanked him City Cousin for his hospitality and happily returned to his simple, quiet life.

So as for me, now I am a Country Mouse. I already know there will be lots of adventures and I hope you will enjoy traveling through the rural countryside with me--

Sending you sunflowers and cool breezes--

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