Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Who, Who loves rainy days?!

City Mouse Now Country Mouse
No. 5

One of the biggest changes between living in Dallas, Texas, and Hedgesville, West Virginia is the weather. It rarely rains in Dallas, which means that one almost never has to change one's outdoor plans due to rain. In West Virginia, however, it rains a lot. On average, in the past two weeks, it has rained almost every other day. BUT the best part of rainy days for me is it means rainy day projects. That's right--Crafty Marcy strikes again! 

It all started at the Goodwill store in Martinsburg. I had just visited my new favorite shopping spot, Big Lots, and decided to pop in the GW to see what treasures were inside. Goodwill's in general have one of two specialties--either furniture or clothing. It was obvious that this was primarily a clothing store but I decided to wander around the store to see what I could see. 

It was then when I spied my next craft project. I found something charming about this silly bird's face and decided it would be a prefect container to store the puppy treats. I decided to send a iPhone picture of my treasure to Aaron and Ellen--who, who, happened to be having lunch together in Blacksburg as Aaron was in on his trip north from Dallas. There was a split decision between the two texts, and in the end, I decided it was worth risking the $4.57 investment.

Next was the fun part. I spent some time looking at pictures of owls to determine what direction my muse would go. Here are two images I found that inspired me:

After a trip to Lowe's for spray paint and to Michael's for specialty paints, my crafting began. It became my "go-to" rainy day project and given the frequency of rain that I described earlier, my owl was transformed from a dated vintage piece to a fabulously reinvented, au courant owl. We've named him Berkeley, for the county we live in and if you scroll down, you'll see our new treasure.  So, now for the big reveal . . .

keep scrolling . . . 

a little more . . . 

just a little more . . .


There is something rejuvenating about reinventing something old into something new. I guess that's why I've always enjoyed making things so much--there is the beginning, the middle and the end for each project and when it's complete, you have something great and uniquely made by you. I wish you all the best in your trash to treasure adventures . . . and send my your photos when you have them!

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